Kevin Crawford, Software Engineer

Front-End Specialist · Full-Stack Generalist


I believe that when it comes to building software, the coding is the easy part. To ship a successful product, it really comes down to good teamwork. I always try to keep this in mind, and put an emphasis on being a good team player.

kvcrawford [at] gmail [dot] com


  • Javascript, Coffeescript, Python, PHP
  • AngularJS, Backbone.js, Flux, React, Node.js
  • Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Automated front-end build systems (Gulp, Grunt, Browserify, etc.)
  • RESTful API design and consumption
  • CSS and its various preprocessors (Sass, LESS, etc.)
  • Firmly rooted in a strong desire for optimal user experience.


Front-End Engineer, March 2014 - May 2015

Shift provides enterprise-level marketing software for managing, analyzing, and optimizing advertising campaigns on social media.

Shortly after joining, I helped rewrite their flagship product, the Facebook Media Manager (FMM). It is a "fat-client" single-page application built on Angular, with a Python-driven middle layer, interfacing with the Facebook Marketing API.

In the face of a sudden exodus of front-end talent, I took charge and successfully on-boarded a new team of re-assigned back-end engineers and new hires. At the time of my leaving, I was the only developer to have worked on the codebase from its beginning.

FMM would come to serve as a defining asset in consideration for Shift's $50M acquisition by Brand Networks in May, 2015.


Software Engineer, October 2013 - February 2014

Chirp was a mobile social messaging app, and I was responsible for the development of its web interface. I built a single-page application on AngularJS, loosely coupled with a Node.js middle layer that would serve to wrap—and eventually replace—a prototyped backend API with a new, RESTful API.

Gunn/Jerkens Marketing & Communications

Lead Web Developer, January 2012 - October 2013
Web Developer, June 2011 - December 2011

  • Developed CMS-driven B2C websites for clients, typically from the homebuilding industry.
  • Starting out as the sole developer, I built and lead this entirely new department at the firm.


Web Developer, February 2009 - June 2011
Jr. Web Developer, June 2007 - February 2009

  • Subcontracted with ad agencies to develop their website projects.


Web Developer, July 2006 - Spring 2009

Favorite project involved implementation of film asset tracking system for, Participant Media's social action network.